[English | Japanese]

Andreas "Andy" Lennart PETTERSSON


東北大学 大学院情報科学研究科 修士2年
システム情報科学専攻 橋本・荒井/鏡研究室
〒980-8579 仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-01
Email: pettersson(at)ic.is.tohoku.ac.jp

Research Topics

  • Vision-based safety system using 3D sensors

Recent situation

  • Trying to take all my remaining master courses this semester


  • 2014,10 : Entered Graduate School of Information Science, Tohoku University
  • 2014,04 : Entered Hashimoto-Arai Lab. as a researcher
  • 2012,11 : Awarded Bachelor Degree of Science with a major in Technology, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, SWEDEN
