[English | Japanese]

Masaru MORITA  



Graduate Student (Master's Program)

Kagami Lab.
Department of System Information Sciences,
Graduate School of Information Sciences,
Tohoku University

6-6-01 Aramaki Aza Aoba, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
Phone/Fax: +81.22.795.7020
Email: morita(at)ic.is.tohoku.ac.jp

Research Topics  

  • Hardware architecture which processes multi-pixels in parallel to fulfill high-speed labeling (The thesis for bachelor's degree)
  • Now I am interested in Robotics and Computer Vision, especially autonomous motion control of a manipulator.


  • To become a person whom everyone wants to emulate
  • To increase my knowledge whatever I am curious about
  • To cultivate my communication skill

To Achieve the Objectives

  • I will challenge to do whatever I am interested in.
  • I will speak out whatever I come up with.
  • I will ask anything which I wonder about.

Recent situation  

  • I has been staying in the United States and belong to PennState as an exchange student.
  • I am starting to take more positive attitude now compared to a time before I came to the United States.
  • I belong to PSU Robotics club.

Special skills

  • I am able to solve a Rubik's Cube in one minute.
  • I like study.


  • April 2009, Entered Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku University
  • March 2009, Graduated from Mechanical Enginnering Course, Department of Enginnering, Tohoku University
  • April 2005, Entered Mechanical Enginnering Course, Department of Enginnering, Tohoku University
